Monday, July 24, 2006

Microsoft, Zen and VMWare... the Reg has it wrong, sorta.

In it's article: Microsoft so very, very proud of its ties to open source Xen

Ashlee Vancen contends that the spat between VMWare and Microsoft is getting nasty and Xen. It probably is. But I don't think Microsoft's shocking backing of Xen is soley designed to undermine VMWare as Ashlee contends:

"We're betting that Microsoft hopes XenSource can slow the VMware juggernaut, giving the coders in Redmond enough time to cram Viridian into Longhorn Server. Microsoft is betting that putting its name behind XenSource now will boost the start-up's near-term chances. And it would seem VMware knows what Microsoft is up to."

I think Microsoft wants to keep the Virtulization market growing and not allow VMWare to control it for sure, but this is a win vs win big senario for Microsoft, not a win vs lose. Virtual servers need software licenses just like real servers. So anything Microsoft can do to increase the server population is a win for them. If Xen opens the playing field and Viridian can be released on time and be on-par with the contemporary VMWare products when it comes out, then Microsoft wins big. They get to sell us the server license and the virtualization product. But anyway you slice it Microsoft gets their money. I think the spat has more to do with Microsoft not wanting to take orders from anyone. They want to do the ordering.

Ashlee isn't totally wrong, I just think Microsoft isn't out to beat VMWare, just compete so they can get more cash from their customers.

Anyway, just my thoughts


TAGS: VMWare Microsoft Xen Viridian

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